Selected Recordings by P:

< 1 Second of Sound

Original Assignment, July 1, 2004:

Fact: I hate the alert sounds on my computer. Hate them, hate them, hate them.

Fact: Greg & I have been racking our brains for ideas for further assignments.

Listen Up: What I'm about to propose might be the solution to my alert sound problem as well as the perfect way to get some of y'all less-complyin' fools to embrace your assignments.

The Assignment: Create, by July 31, an audio file no more than 1 second in length.

That's the only requirement. Use whatever you like to create it, as many sounds, and from wherever you want. I'll post them all on August 1 and we can reflect on them, categorize them, choose our favorites, and maybe even mix & remix them together (a la the jmix project).

Please submit files in .wav, .aiff, or .mp3 formats. Actually, even tape is fine. Just get them to me somehow. If you are new to audio software, check out Audacity for the Mac or Windows. If you have questions, post them as comments to this post and someone else rocking the assignment will surely answer them.

Please enter only once, and feel free to send your sound before the deadline.

Happy sounding!

Results, August 2, 2004

The sounds are in! Below are the results of the <1 second of sound assignment... some would make good alert sounds, some are longer than a second, and all are exactly what I wanted to hear. I'm going to load them all onto my mp3 player to keep things interesting when I'm in shuffle mode. Please feel free to do the same.

Thanks to everyone who submitted sounds, y'all rule. If anyone still has some to submit, bring them on.


help me PC available sam burns

fallsong bob_on_our_fate landing1
landing2 malkmus_baby Oom1
Oom2 Oom3 True_swanky
True1 True2

candy bubble

record_players key ?
fnb 8bit_crackle crackle_stretch
bourgeois frying_metal blips
charge2 quiet sproing

Late entries!

38445 hatch iwill
mobileunit oral


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