mixed numbers:
The hidden meaning
of everyday digits
Welcome to Mixed Numbers
We know we encounter numbers in every facet of our lives, but do we really understand what they all mean? MixedNumbers seeks to make us more aware of the numbers we use but don't know why.
The purpose of this site is to increase awareness of the many numerical systems we take for granted; to explain the ambient numerology of our everyday lives. Understanding these systems can help us to satisfy our curiosity, to use the hidden information provided all around us, to navigate the U.S., and even to recognize counterfeit documents.
The items presented on this site are related in that they attempt to explain, in simple terms, systems that seem so complex we rarely ask questions about what they mean. If there are any numerical systems that you feel should be represented here, please email me at patrick@mixednumbers.com and we can work together to explain them.
© Patrick Williams 2003-2004
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